Do these sound familiar?

Feeling Overwhelmed?

You work hard, but the daily grind has become an endless check list. When you're not being productive you feel guilty.  You feel drained by taking care of others, or forming yourself to what you think someone expects or wants. When your feelings become overwhelming you either numb-out and detach, or reach for something or someone to fill the void.

It’s okay to be YOU.

Ending a Relationship?

Ending a relationship is painful.  The thought of starting over again feels impossible. Self-doubt and aloneness sink in. You worry you've exhausted your friendships by seeking answers to what went wrong in your relationships.  You want to move on and find yourself again, but you can't find a way through. You wonder if you are asking for too much and if you are enough.

Relationship or not - you GOT you.

Frustrated by dating?

You’re frustrated your relationships haven’t worked out.  It's hard to know if it's who you're choosing or who you're meeting.  It seems like everyone else around you is getting serious, married, or having kids, while you're stuck in a pattern of unfulfilling relationships and wondering why you’re still single. Meanwhile, you’re left feeling exhausted and hopeless.

You are LOVABLE as you are.